• Responsable
  • Degree

    State Engineer in Agronomy, specializing in Horticulture

  • Rhythm
    Full time

  • Duration
    60 Month

  • Language


The primary aim of this specialty is to ensure the development of high-level professionals, equipped to meet the challenges and requirements of the horticultural sector through an optimized, professional, and resilient approach.

This program also aspires to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in students, foster their capacity for knowledge dissemination, and equip them with proficiency in the latest production, protection, and value-adding technologies in the agricultural field.

The curriculum is multidisciplinary, enriched by contributions from other disciplines (social sciences, economic and management sciences, soft skills, communication techniques, languages, etc.) to help students achieve operational readiness that will facilitate their professional integration. Moreover, the program is supplemented with specialized seminars, study days conducted by Moroccan and foreign experts and professionals. The program concludes with a final year dissertation / end of study project and an oral defense on an economically significant topic for the sector during the last semester.

The 5-year curriculum is spread over two training cycles:

-A preparatory cycle of 2 years for the students basic training. The first year corresponds to the Preparatory Year for Higher Agricultural Studies (APESA), and the second year is dedicated to agronomy training. This cycle (2 years) takes place entirely in Rabat (IAV Hassan II).

-An engineering cycle of 3 years located in the heart of the Souss Massa region, the prime horticultural area, at the Agadir Horticultural Complex, for the enhancement of necessary knowledge and skills, professionalizing the training, and fostering a spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship.


  • Duration : 60 Month
  • Location : IAV (Rabat) & CHA (Agadir)
  • Rhythm : Full time
  • Language : Fr


  • Admission requirement

    Access to APESA is reserved for high school graduates from scientific fields (Physics-Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences, Mathematical Sciences A, Mathematical Sciences B, Agronomic Sciences, and Baccalaureate type S from the French system).

    Candidates must be:

    -Holders of a scientific baccalaureate of the current year

    -Be less than 23 years old on September 1st of the registration year

    For more information on the conditions of access to this specialty after passing the preparatory cycle and those via the bridges, please contact the administration:

    Address: Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Madinat Al Irfane, BP 6202, Rabat, MOROCCO

    Phone: +212 5 377 717 45/58/59

    Website: https://iav.ac.ma

  • Admission file

    For more information on the registration form, please contact the IAV Hassan II or visit its website.

  • Registration

    The various stages of application, registration, and selection will be published by IAV Hassan II and/or provided online. Candidates are invited to contact the IAV Hassan II administration and regularly check its website.



Inspector Of Studies
Complexe Horticole d'Agadir



2052 hours







-Living Sciences

-Climate and Earth Sciences

-Economic and Social Sciences

-Languages, Expression, and Communication

-Directed and Practical Work

-Discovery of Nature Internship

-Rural Internship


496 hours

M1.1.Bio-statistics and computer science

M1.2.Agricultural and Horticultural sciences

M1.3.Soil Science, Irrigation and fertilization

M1.4.Horticultural machinery, Hydraulics and Greenhouse construction

M1.5.Accounting, labor law and taxation

M1.6.Languages and Communication I


484 hours

M2.1. Animal and fish production

M2.2. Genetic resources and biodiversity

M2.3. Genetic improvement, Plant Biotechnology and Multiplication

M2.4. Biology and systematics of plant pathogens

M2.5. Pest systematics and Nematology

M2.6. Agricultural strategies and Product marketing

M2.7. Languages and communication II


506 hours

M3.1. Biometrics and computer science

M3.2. Horticultural productions and Nurseries

M3.3. Market gardening and PAM

M3.4. Special horticulture

M3.5. Introduction to Diseases and Pests of Crops

M3.6. Economics of the sectors, Business management and Project set-up

M3.7. Languages and communication III


472 hours

M4.1. Programming and management of databases

M4.2. Greenhouse technology and precision agriculture

M4.3. Irrigation, Fertigation and Above-ground Crops

M4.4. Molecular engineering Physiology of Stress and post harvest

M4.5. Processing of horticultural products

M4.6.Control and management tools

M4.7. Languages and communication IV


468 hours

M5.1.Plant protection engineering

M5.2.Special arboriculture, Horticulture in arid zones and organic crops

M5.3.Climate change and the development of natural resources

M5.4.Quality management and product safety

M5.5.Entrepreneurship and project management

M5.6.Business creation and professional project

M5.7.Communication and Professional integration


.Professional Internship 1 in Irrigation and Fertilization: Two weeks

.Professional Internship 2 in Plant Health, Planning, and Post-Harvest: Four weeks

.Professional Internship 3 in Crop Installation and Cultural Practices: Four weeks

.Professional Internship 4 in Business: Two weeks


The end of study project (ESP) is an indispensable professionalizing experience undertaken during the last semester of the engineering cycle. Its main objective is to put into practice the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. The ESP provides students with the opportunity to develop a high level of scientific and technical expertise, thereby enabling them to occupy various positions of responsibility ranging from production to marketing, including project study, research, development, auditing, and project management.


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  • Degree

    State Engineer in Agronomy, specializing in Horticulture

  • Profile / Skills to acquire

    Our CHA-trained horticultural engineers are more than just professionals - they're future-focused experts, constantly connected to the evolving landscape of their field. Their robust academic background, combined with hands-on experience, equips them with proficiency in the latest agricultural technologies, such as:

    •Smart irrigation systems;

    •Crop modeling software to optimize resources and maximize yields.

    But their know-how extends far beyond these competencies. They're fervent advocates for sustainable farming practices, always on the hunt for eco-friendly solutions to the challenges within the horticulture industry.

    Our horticultural engineers learn from the true pioneers in agricultural innovation. They consistently push the boundaries, always striving to cultivate the healthiest, most sustainable plants possible. Here at the Agadir Horticultural Complex, we couldn't be prouder of our dedicated horticultural graduates. They tirelessly strive for improvement, producing better results while conscientiously preserving our natural environment."

  • Career opportunities

    Graduates from our horticulture program are highly skilled professionals, trained to fill leadership and management roles within various horticultural businesses. Their scientific and technical education, coupled with their deep understanding of the economic, social, and human aspects, prepares them to excel in technical and managerial activities related to horticulture.

    Career opportunities for our graduates are diverse and plentiful. Beyond entrepreneurship, they are sought after by many organizations across various sectors, including:

    •Horticultural estates and companies (managing technical aspects, plant health, fertilization, and irrigation...)

    •Fruit and vegetable packing stations (managing packing, quality control at various stages of the supply chain, and exportation)

    •Service companies (consultancies, support organizations, banks, export groups, protected areas and parks...)

    •Public and semi-public organizations:

    .Provincial and Regional Departments of Agriculture

    .National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA)

    .Regional Departments and Agricultural Advisory Centers...

    •Professional organizations (producer associations, trade federations, chambers of agriculture, cooperatives...)

    •Research and educational institutions (schools, universities, technical training institutes, research organizations and stations...)

    •International organizations such as the FAO, the World Bank, the African Development Bank...

    Graduates can also pursue further education in related fields to achieve a higher level of mastery (Master / MBA...), or continue their training in the scientific stream by entering doctoral studies.

    The skills and knowledge acquired in the horticultural engineering program make them perfectly adapted to the challenges of horticulture and provide them with a wide range of career possibilities.


The primary aim of this specialty is to ensure the development of high-level professionals, equipped to meet the challenges and requirements of the horticultural sector through an optimized, professional, and resilient approach.

This program also aspires to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in students, foster their capacity for knowledge dissemination, and equip them with proficiency in the latest production, protection, and value-adding technologies in the agricultural field.

The curriculum is multidisciplinary, enriched by contributions from other disciplines (social sciences, economic and management sciences, soft skills, communication techniques, languages, etc.) to help students achieve operational readiness that will facilitate their professional integration. Moreover, the program is supplemented with specialized seminars, study days conducted by Moroccan and foreign experts and professionals. The program concludes with a final year dissertation / end of study project and an oral defense on an economically significant topic for the sector during the last semester.

The 5-year curriculum is spread over two training cycles:

-A preparatory cycle of 2 years for the students basic training. The first year corresponds to the Preparatory Year for Higher Agricultural Studies (APESA), and the second year is dedicated to agronomy training. This cycle (2 years) takes place entirely in Rabat (IAV Hassan II).

-An engineering cycle of 3 years located in the heart of the Souss Massa region, the prime horticultural area, at the Agadir Horticultural Complex, for the enhancement of necessary knowledge and skills, professionalizing the training, and fostering a spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship.


  • Duration : 60 Month
  • Location : IAV (Rabat) & CHA (Agadir)
  • Rhythm : Full time
  • Language : Fr


Admission requirement

Access to APESA is reserved for high school graduates from scientific fields (Physics-Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences, Mathematical Sciences A, Mathematical Sciences B, Agronomic Sciences, and Baccalaureate type S from the French system).

Candidates must be:

-Holders of a scientific baccalaureate of the current year

-Be less than 23 years old on September 1st of the registration year

For more information on the conditions of access to this specialty after passing the preparatory cycle and those via the bridges, please contact the administration:

Address: Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Madinat Al Irfane, BP 6202, Rabat, MOROCCO

Phone: +212 5 377 717 45/58/59

Website: https://iav.ac.ma

Admission file

For more information on the registration form, please contact the IAV Hassan II or visit its website.


The various stages of application, registration, and selection will be published by IAV Hassan II and/or provided online. Candidates are invited to contact the IAV Hassan II administration and regularly check its website.



2052 hours







-Living Sciences

-Climate and Earth Sciences

-Economic and Social Sciences

-Languages, Expression, and Communication

-Directed and Practical Work

-Discovery of Nature Internship

-Rural Internship


496 hours

M1.1.Bio-statistics and computer science

M1.2.Agricultural and Horticultural sciences

M1.3.Soil Science, Irrigation and fertilization

M1.4.Horticultural machinery, Hydraulics and Greenhouse construction

M1.5.Accounting, labor law and taxation

M1.6.Languages and Communication I


484 hours

M2.1. Animal and fish production

M2.2. Genetic resources and biodiversity

M2.3. Genetic improvement, Plant Biotechnology and Multiplication

M2.4. Biology and systematics of plant pathogens

M2.5. Pest systematics and Nematology

M2.6. Agricultural strategies and Product marketing

M2.7. Languages and communication II


506 hours

M3.1. Biometrics and computer science

M3.2. Horticultural productions and Nurseries

M3.3. Market gardening and PAM

M3.4. Special horticulture

M3.5. Introduction to Diseases and Pests of Crops

M3.6. Economics of the sectors, Business management and Project set-up

M3.7. Languages and communication III


472 hours

M4.1. Programming and management of databases

M4.2. Greenhouse technology and precision agriculture

M4.3. Irrigation, Fertigation and Above-ground Crops

M4.4. Molecular engineering Physiology of Stress and post harvest

M4.5. Processing of horticultural products

M4.6.Control and management tools

M4.7. Languages and communication IV


468 hours

M5.1.Plant protection engineering

M5.2.Special arboriculture, Horticulture in arid zones and organic crops

M5.3.Climate change and the development of natural resources

M5.4.Quality management and product safety

M5.5.Entrepreneurship and project management

M5.6.Business creation and professional project

M5.7.Communication and Professional integration


.Professional Internship 1 in Irrigation and Fertilization: Two weeks

.Professional Internship 2 in Plant Health, Planning, and Post-Harvest: Four weeks

.Professional Internship 3 in Crop Installation and Cultural Practices: Four weeks

.Professional Internship 4 in Business: Two weeks


The end of study project (ESP) is an indispensable professionalizing experience undertaken during the last semester of the engineering cycle. Its main objective is to put into practice the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. The ESP provides students with the opportunity to develop a high level of scientific and technical expertise, thereby enabling them to occupy various positions of responsibility ranging from production to marketing, including project study, research, development, auditing, and project management.



State Engineer in Agronomy, specializing in Horticulture

Profile / Skills to acquire

Our CHA-trained horticultural engineers are more than just professionals - they're future-focused experts, constantly connected to the evolving landscape of their field. Their robust academic background, combined with hands-on experience, equips them with proficiency in the latest agricultural technologies, such as:

•Smart irrigation systems;

•Crop modeling software to optimize resources and maximize yields.

But their know-how extends far beyond these competencies. They're fervent advocates for sustainable farming practices, always on the hunt for eco-friendly solutions to the challenges within the horticulture industry.

Our horticultural engineers learn from the true pioneers in agricultural innovation. They consistently push the boundaries, always striving to cultivate the healthiest, most sustainable plants possible. Here at the Agadir Horticultural Complex, we couldn't be prouder of our dedicated horticultural graduates. They tirelessly strive for improvement, producing better results while conscientiously preserving our natural environment."

Career opportunities

Graduates from our horticulture program are highly skilled professionals, trained to fill leadership and management roles within various horticultural businesses. Their scientific and technical education, coupled with their deep understanding of the economic, social, and human aspects, prepares them to excel in technical and managerial activities related to horticulture.

Career opportunities for our graduates are diverse and plentiful. Beyond entrepreneurship, they are sought after by many organizations across various sectors, including:

•Horticultural estates and companies (managing technical aspects, plant health, fertilization, and irrigation...)

•Fruit and vegetable packing stations (managing packing, quality control at various stages of the supply chain, and exportation)

•Service companies (consultancies, support organizations, banks, export groups, protected areas and parks...)

•Public and semi-public organizations:

.Provincial and Regional Departments of Agriculture

.National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA)

.Regional Departments and Agricultural Advisory Centers...

•Professional organizations (producer associations, trade federations, chambers of agriculture, cooperatives...)

•Research and educational institutions (schools, universities, technical training institutes, research organizations and stations...)

•International organizations such as the FAO, the World Bank, the African Development Bank...

Graduates can also pursue further education in related fields to achieve a higher level of mastery (Master / MBA...), or continue their training in the scientific stream by entering doctoral studies.

The skills and knowledge acquired in the horticultural engineering program make them perfectly adapted to the challenges of horticulture and provide them with a wide range of career possibilities.


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Inspector Of Studies
Complexe Horticole d'Agadir